Nix Installation

Documentation of developing tileset with Nix.


You will need:

  • Python 3
  • Libvips
  • pyvips (install it via python pip: pip install pyvips)


As this repository uses flakes, it's possible to build any of the tileset (not only UlitCa) using nix build .#{name} command. For example:

# This will build UltiCa
nix build .#UltimateCataclysm

# But this will build Mushroom Dream
nix build .#Mushroom-Dream

And the result will be in result directory, ready to put into the game. If you want to link the result to the different directory, use --out-link {path} argument.


Tileset flake also provide a simple devshell with python and vips to run tools such as or

# Enter the devshell
nix develop .

# This now works
python3 tools/ --use-all gfx/UltimateCataclysm out

Or if you have direnv enabled, it will automatically enter the devshell upon opening the repository.